Board Meeting
Kremmling Sanitation District
Monday, January 9, 2023
6:00 P.M. Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Previous Regular Minutes
Approval of Expenditures
Public Comment
(Comments limited to 3 minutes per person)
Comments will be received on non-agenda items at this time. Issues needing further discussion or action will be considered at a later meeting as an agenda item. Public comments on agenda items may be allowed at the Board’s discretion. Please state your name for the record when called upon.
Engineers Report
Operators Report
Discussion and Action on locate claim for Duff Nicola
Managers' Report
Discussion on District Manager position going forward.
Business Item
- Discussion and Action on renewing online access agreement with Grand County clerk and recorder.
- Resolution 2023-1-1: A Resolution to Designate Agenda Notice Posting Location
- Resolution 2023-1-2: A Resolution to Designate the Official Newspaper for the District
- Resolution 2023-1-3: A Resolution to Set the 2023 Regular Election for the Kremmling Sanitation District
Record of Proceedings Kremmling Sanitation District Regular Board Meeting
January 9, 2023
The Board of Directors for the Kremmling Sanitation District met in the boardroom located at 200 Eagle Avenue. The meeting was called to order by President Noble Underbrink at 6:02 p.m. Directors present: Noble Underbrink, Eric Bradley, Alan Hassler, and Stuart Heller. Directors absent: Dave Sammons (excused absence). Staff present: District Manager Rich Rosene and Superintendent Scott Weber. Audience present: None.
- Approval of Minutes: Hassler moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of December 12, 2022, as presented. Heller Seconds. Motion Carried.
- Approval of Expenditures: Hassler moved to approve the expenditure presented for the period of December 13, 2022, through January 9, 2023 in the amount of $43,936.60. Bradely Seconded. Motion Carried.
- Hassler moved to approve the agreement with the County Clerk and Recorder and the $100.00 fee for records retrieval. Heller Seconds. Motion Carried.
Public Comment:
- Engineers Report: Weber said that he sent the school district irrigation quantities and maps to Nick Marcotte of Element Engineering for his review. He also sent Marcotte and Mike Mann of Wastewater Compliance Systems (bio-dome manufacturer) information on the ice buildup in Ponds B and C. Weber said that Marcotte has started to do the annual biosolids report. Thom Yoder, our Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC), told Weber he could also do that report. Weber will talk to both of them about the report and the cost. Underbrink said he would prefer that Yoder do the report as he is our ORC.
- Operator Report: Weber said that the December lab results are completed and look pretty good. The ammonia is at 0.9 mg/L and he thinks we might also be under the January limit. Weber talked to Mike Mann again about the ice in the bio-dome ponds and Mann recommended trying aeration with some floating diffusers in the bio-dome areas to keep some areas free of ice so the bio-dome air can escape. Weber said that he is seeing some oil leaks on the blowers due to the hard work they are doing against the back pressure due to ice. He is waiting on parts to repair them. He has added air from the manifolds in ponds B and C with garden hoses. Weber said that the locate claim was filed with Underground Damage Prevention Safety Commission for the locate violation by Duff Nicola behind West End Liquors. Nicola told Weber that he would like to settle with us before the hearing with the commission. Cord Simon is coming through town tomorrow and could camera the line to see if there was any disturbance or damage to our sewer main. Weber said that if we settle, Nicola should be responsible for the overtime of our employees and the camera work by Simon. Weber said he thought that Xcel Energy sends a bill to violators but doesn’t file a complaint with the safety commission. The board agreed that the line should be inspected with the camera. The final decision on settling the claim with Nicola will be tabled to next month’s meeting.
- Managers' Report: Rosene gave an update on discussions with the town on the shared employees and using them to take over some of the manager’s work. He will talk further with the town manager about using the town clerk as the district clerk and when she will start attending meetings. There was more discussion on how to cover the various tasks and duties of the manager. Rosene felt that the town employees should be able to do this, but it will take some time. Weber said he is concerned about the HR duties as our employee handbook differs from the town’s. Rosene will send out the annual calendar of district events he has developed and the budget spreadsheet.
Business Items:
Rosene explained the three resolutions for tonight’s meeting. The first one is needed to designate the official posting location for board meeting agendas; the second is to designate the official newspaper; and the third is to set the 2023 board election in May. The town hall will be the official location for posting and the agendas will also be on the website. An annual public notice with information on the meeting location, time, and standard agenda will be posted at the post office.
- Hassler moved to Adopt Resolution 2023-1-1, A resolution to designate agenda notice posting location. Heller seconded. Motion Carried.
Rosene explained that the Middle Park Times is currently the only subscription newspaper in the county and will be the official newspaper for our legal notices. Since the Sky-Hi News and the Grand Gazette are free newspapers, they do not have subscribers and are technically not eligible to be the official newspaper for legal notices. Rosene said that some notices or articles with the information are placed in the Sky-Hi News and Grand Gazette in addition to the Middle Park Times. - Hassler moved to adopt resolution 2023-1-2, A resolution designate the official newspaper for the district. Bradley seconded. Motion Carried.
The 2023 election is the first one in an odd-numbered year and the return to four-year terms. The previous two elections had three-year terms to transition from having elections in even numbered years to odd-numbered years. Going forward, all special district elections will be in odd numbered years. The board seats for Sammons, Bradley and Hassler are up for election. We will have two four-year terms and one two-year term. The two-year term is due to an appointment and two years are needed to finish out the full term. Rosene said he would serve as the designated election official and would like to work with the town clerk in the election process if the election is not cancelled. - Heller moved to adopt resolution 2023-1-3, A resolution to set the 2023 regular election for the Kremmling Sanitation District, Hassler Seconded. Motion Carried.
Bradley moved to adjourn at 7:05 PM. Heller Seconds. Meeting Adjourned
/s/ Richard A. Rosene